Re: [Vala] Construction of generic instantiations

Have you considered to use construct properties:

They should be set at construction time as for:

Object (construct_only_prop: a, construct_get_set_prop: b);

But you should know Generic type before construct.

2016-02-16 16:51 GMT-06:00 Andy Lees <andrewl oz gmail com>:


I seems that the setting of the hidden type variable in generic
instantiations occurs in the new operation, rather than in the constructor,
so if I have a class:

public class Makeable<T> :  GLib.Object {

  construct {
    x = (int)typeof (T);
    message ("Makeable in Construction, T = %ld", (long)typeof (T));
  public int x;
  public Makeable() {
    message ("In new x = %d T = %ld", x, (long)typeof (T));

  public Type typ() {
    return typeof (T);


then I get:
** Message: test5.vala:18: Makeable in Construction, T = 4
** Message: test5.vala:22: In new x = 4 T = 24
when I construct via new ...
and only:
** Message: test5.vala:18: Makeable in Construction, T = 4
when I construct with

This means that generic instances cannot be properly constructed via, which appears to be a significant issue.

Is there any reason why the setting of the hidden type variable ( and any
other generic instance initialisations) cannot be done in the construct
function prior to user code? Then generic instances could be made via like other objects.


Andrew Lees
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