Re: [Vala] Need help in debugging async code

Hey, Why did you get a SIGSTOP on top of the stack trace? Is it emitted
from the code you use to print the stacktrace or it is the real signal that
stopped execution?

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 6:22 AM marcin saepia net <marcin saepia net> wrote:

Felipe, it's non threaded.

Michele, good hint! I will check that.


2016-03-18 6:47 GMT+01:00 <michele dionisio gmail com>:

A crash can happes if you call the callback to wakeup before the yield.
Are you completly sure that your code is completly asyncrounous in any

Il ven mar 18 01:05:05 2016 GMT+0100, Felipe Lavratti scrive:
Hey Marcin,

Just wondering,
Is your program using threading or any threaded object that is handled
this part of code?

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 20:44 marcin saepia net <marcin saepia net>
Hi all,

I encounter random crashes in my app, which (it's my guess) is
when I call callback in async method.

Such as

public async void something() {
  SourceFunc callback_ref = something.callback;

  do_something_that_calls_another_callback(() => {
    callback_ref(); // here's crash happening. approximately 1/10000


The chain of async calls is nested.

I get stack traces like this:
It's rather hard to believe that such basic thing as memory
allocation is
broken in GLib.

Crash happens totally randomly, once per 1-3 days. You can imagine
how hard
is to collect test cases. I am trying to hunt more stack traces in
order to
find a pattern, but maybe in the meantime anyone here can share
in debugging such issues?

Or maybe there are some well-known bugs or antipatterns related to
functions that should be avoided?

I use GLib 2.44 & Vala 0.30.0. I will try to upgrade to 2.46 but I see
nothing related in the changelog.

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