Le mercredi 23 novembre 2016 à 10:56 +0000, Al Thomas via vala-list a écrit :
In case anyone hadn't noticed valadoc.org is fully working again. Thanks to Elementary OS [1] who are hosting the site [2]. Development is now being done at https://github.com/valadoc and includes a number of recent updates, including better URIs for bookmarking and external linking. There is also work started on changing valadoc.org to use Valum [3].
The docs and static assets are served so far and I still have to reimplement the tooltip and search feature (which only require accessing a MySQL database with Gda). If anyone would like to test it, I also provided a Vagrantfile to provision a VM and run the site. vagrant up vagrant provision vagrant ssh cd valadoc-org make serve # or make serve-mini It should be noticeably faster due to use of proactive caching with ETag headers. The first transition will be drop-in, then we shall look into the possibility of serving and searching docs as a service.
The content is up to date. With Valum 0.3 [4] and libcolumbus [5] recently being added. Thanks should also go out to Chris Daley of Valadate project for hosting a mirror ( http://valadoc.valadate.org ) and the company RooJSolutions ( http://valadoc.roojs.com ) for also hosting a mirror while things got back to normal. [1] - https://elementary.io/ [2] - http://blog.elementary.io/post/152967321211/were-now-hosting-va ladocorg [3] - https://github.com/Valadoc/valadoc-org/pull/40 [4] - https://arteymix.github.io/valum/2016/11/11/announcing-valum-0- 3.html [5] - http://voices.canonical.com/jussi.pakkanen/2012/12/03/introduci ng-libcolumbus-a-fast-online-approximate-matching-library/ _______________________________________________ vala-list mailing list vala-list gnome org https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/vala-list
-- Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com> Étudiant au baccalauréat en Informatique à l'Université de Montréal Chercheur boursier à l'IRIC Mon blog: https://arteymix.github.io/ Clé PGP: B1AD6EA5
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