Re: [Vala] .me cast resurrection on "Re: The future of Vala"

Hello à tous,

I admit I do not know webassembly. I prefer to develop "stand alone"
applications but what you say about it seems very interesting.

I also saw an application capable of running a delphi application on the
web! It was amazing .. I will try to find the link.

Someone has knowledges about glib and webassembly ?



Do we really still need a Vala to JS converter? I didn't try, but I think
it's possible to compile the whole GLib to WebAssembly with only slight
modifications, so Vala can run in browser natively after being built for
wasm32 target.

Did anyone investigate it?


05.03.2017, 08:06, "Ben Iofel" <iofelben gmail com>:
Here is an old Vala to JavaScript compiler

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 7:34 PM Guillaume Poirier-Morency <
guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com> wrote:

 It would be quite a challenge in terms of implementation, but I like
 the idea.

 Maybe having a Web-based compiler for embedding and running snippets
 would be a good start. It could be integrated in :)

 Le samedi 04 mars 2017 à 15:43 +0100, Dev_NIX a écrit :
 > I would take a look to WebAssembly. The next few years could be
 > amazing for the concept of isomorphic web frameworks! (just imagine
 > Valum running in a web browser as on the server side).
 > > Exactly, I thought Vala has good and strong asynchronous
 > > "mechanics" which made Vala a good choice for webapps. So we
 > > keep an eye on frameworks which could be the key to success for
 > > Vala (or at least better recognition). Thanks for informations,
 > > pending march for the next release ;-) Regards
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 Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

 Étudiant au baccalauréat en Informatique à l'Université de Montréal
 Chercheur boursier à l'IRIC

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