Re: [Vala] Doubt with "hasemitter"

Just an extra note: it seems that if I don't use "connect_signals" from the builder object, but connect it directly with .clicked.connect(function_name) works fine...

El 11/03/18 a las 01:28, rastersoft escribió:

I had some odd problems with a button callback: when it is clicked and try to operate with "this", I receive a core dump.
I discovered something odd: the documentation in Valadoc shows the 
button callback as
    [ HasEmitter ]
    public virtual signal void *clicked* ()

I created the callback like that, and it failed with the core dump. But if I define the callback as:
    public virtual signal void *clicked* (Gtk.Widget emitter)

it works fine.

So, what does mean the "hasemitter" attribute, what has to do with the callbacks with the "Gtk.Widget" parameter removed, and how can I know the true signature for these signals?

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