Re: [Vala] valaDevelop

From my understanding, the user must be able to use a modified/fixed/own version of the static lib, and he can..
In addition you do not have to link the libvala statically, you can 
build it now used as a shared one...
Am 27.03.19 um 12:39 schrieb Luca Dionisi:
IANAL, but does providing generated C source code suffice to meet the LGPL requirements?
I wouldn't say so. Just my 2 cents.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 12:16 PM Wolfgang Mauer <wolfgang mauer kabelmail de <mailto:wolfgang mauer kabelmail de>> wrote:
    Now source is available at

    The source is the same as used for building the binary, so if you
    to build it yourself...


    Am 27.03.19 um 08:37 schrieb Wolfgang Mauer:
    > In order not to violate the LGPL of libvala and static linking, i
    > decided to provide the source code in addition to the binary.
    > If someone wants to build valaDevelop himself, he can do it.
    > i will update the git soon...
    > Greetings
    > Wolfgang
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