Re: [Vala] valaDevelop

I feel like Canek, but I have to give all my kudos to Rastersoft. There are
not much documented Vala source samples around there and each example helps
people to get used to the language. I can understand the corporate
background, but the companies relays in one way or another on open source
software. If you had no plans of making money with (Yet Another) IDE, I
don't see the point of not open sourcing it.

My personal experience was that I tried to run it on my Elementary 4.1 box
(not so old, I guess!) and I had a GTK dependency problem that I could not
fix. That's where immediately went back to Sublime Text.

In the case of having the source code I would even could tried to compile
downgrading the GTK version without losing features, or even baking an
appimage. Just didn't saw the point of so much activity on the mail list
when I had a binary that just didn't run, and a pile of messages with so
humbleless attitude. I don't want this to be interpreted as a flame, but a
constructive point of view that may help you in future projects (or maybe
even still this one).

Kind regards.

El vie., 10 may. 2019 21:42, Canek Peláez Valdés via vala-list <
vala-list gnome org> escribió:

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 8:06 AM Wolfgang Mauer <
wolfgang mauer kabelmail de>

I think(hope) it's not just because it's not open source...

It is because it's not open source.

Best regards.
Dr. Canek Peláez Valdés
Profesor de Carrera Asociado C
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
vala-list mailing list
vala-list gnome org

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