Re: Any more features?

> Matthias, you said that you were working on an MDI protocol for Qt and
> your new WM.  If you have this, then I think it should definitely go in
> the spec.  WMs do not have to implement it, but it would be in all our
> interests to standardise this stuff.

Yes, that's definitely in my interest. I had a proof-of-concept running some
time ago, but was still far away of providing a sufficient and complete proposal
of the specification for the specs.

After we discussed MDI briefly on this list, we decided to delay this
subprotocol to a later version of the specs - in order to release a first
version as soon as possible.  I didn't continue working on the protocol after
that, but added emulated MDI to Qt (which is required anyway since not all
window managers will support the MDI protocol).

I suggest we work on the MDI issue for a later version of the specs. All we
need to ensure with the current specs is, that it's possible to add further
subprotocols later without breaking anything (extensibility :-).


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