On Wednesday 14 March 2001 10:20, julian adams wrote:
> At 09:30 12/03/2001, Bradley T Hughes wrote:
> >On Monday 12 March 2001 02:36, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > While implementing parts of the spec for GTK, I noticed that kwm and
> > > Sawfish intepreted _NET_SUPPORTED differently.
> > >
> > > Sawfish puts only the properties placed on the window in this
> > > property.  For example, _NET_SUPPORTED contains only the _NET_WM_STATE
> > > atom.
> > >
> > > kwm lists this, but also the specific values of _NET_WM_STATE that it
> > > supports. So for example it lists _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL.
> > >
> > > The spec says:
> > >  This property MUST be set by the Window Manager to indicate which
> > >  hints it supports. This assumes that backwards incompatible changes
> > >  will not be made to the hints (without being renamed).
> > >
> > > Comments? How should we clarify this?
> >
> >I took this to mean that the window manager would basically list all the
> >atoms it knows about - this allows the toolkit to make some decisions
> > about things like window type/state etc.
> >
> >For instance, I added code to Qt that detects whether or not maximization
> > is supported - and if it is, I use NET speak to the window manager when I
> > want to maximize a window.
> This seems pretty reasonable - it would be easy to add to the spec:
> <existing>
> This property MUST be set by the Window Manager to indicate which hints it
> supports. This assumes that backwards incompatible changes will not be made
> to the hints (without being renamed).
> </existing>
> <new>
> As a special case the  _NET_WM_STATE atom should be listed, if supported,
> along with a list of supported state atoms.
> </new>
> or does KDE do the same for everything ... e.g. _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE ?

I made KDE do everything, for example (from xprop):


As such - I would like to propose a slight revision to the wording of the 
description of _NET_SUPPORTED:

This property MUST be set by the Window Manager to indicate which parts of 
the standard are supported. The list MUST contain all Atoms used by the 
Window Manager. This assumes that backwards incompatible changes will not be 
made to the hints (without being renamed).

(or something to that effect - the point being "hints" doesn't adequately 
describe the contents of the property - all the state and protocol atoms 
should be listed in my opinion)

> julian
> > > Havoc
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > wm-spec-list mailing list
> > > wm-spec-list gnome org
> > >
> >
> >--
> >--
> >Bradley T. Hughes <bhughes trolltech com>
> >Trolltech AS - Waldemar Thranes gt. 98B N-0175 Oslo, Norway
> >Office: +47 21604892
> >Mobile: +47 92019781
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >wm-spec-list mailing list
> >wm-spec-list gnome org
> >

Bradley T. Hughes <bhughes trolltech com>
Trolltech AS - Waldemar Thranes gt. 98B N-0175 Oslo, Norway
Office: +47 21604892
Mobile: +47 92019781

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