RE: using msxml instead (was RE: [xml] LibXML 2.4.0 on Win32)

Uh? Oh? Was it my post that caused this? Hm... I am deeply sorry if I
have offended anyone. I really didn't mean to. It was rather meant as a
midday joke. I am guilty, five minus-points for me.

If more people switch to msxml as a result of my posting I could
consider applying for a marketing & sales position at Microsoft :-)


From: David Doolin [mailto:doolin cs utk edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 4:45 PM

Please unsubscribe me this list, from whichever 
email address I used to subscribe.


David M. Doolin

doolin at cs utk edu
dave_doolin at hotmail com
doolin at ce berkeley edu
ddoolin at jxta org
david.doolin at sun com

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Igor  Zlatkovic wrote:

Hi there.

On every release, that enhances for sure LibXML, we 
(poor people that uses an operating system that owns 
90% of the market) experience the frustration
caused by many warnings detected by MSVC.
I am frustrated when I enter the office in the morning and 
figure the
coffee is missing. When I then come back from the store 
with the coffee
and see the spoiled milk in the fridge, I am frustrated even more.
Missing the lunch at midday is frustrating, so is the stock market
report in the newspaper I read during the afterlunch break. It is
frustrating to be permanently igored on ICQ, as is the 
rejection I shall
score this afternon when I ask the cute secretary if she 
would like to
go out with me.

MSVC warnings? - They leave me cold.

How we can help to clean up those warnings from now on?
We could eliminate the warnings and send the patches, just as these
further below. Look at them, they remove two of those warnings which
come to the light of day when you pass an int to a function 
which wants
it to be an unsigned short. These are trivial, but hey, 
they are made
just for you! When applied, two more files compile without warnings!
Isn't that fun? Now you try something else, I am gong for a 
lunch now,
as not to invite any further frustration :-)))


diff -c XML/nanoftp.c XML.orig/nanoftp.c
*** XML/nanoftp.c       Thu Jul 12 12:01:58 2001
--- XML.orig/nanoftp.c  Mon Jun 25 09:31:08 2001
*** 868,874 ****
      if (port == 0)
        port = 21;
!     ctxt->ftpAddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)port);
      ctxt->controlFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
      if (ctxt->controlFd < 0)
--- 868,874 ----
      if (port == 0)
        port = 21;
!     ctxt->ftpAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
      ctxt->controlFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
      if (ctxt->controlFd < 0)

diff -c XML/nanohttp.c XML.orig/nanohttp.c
*** XML/nanohttp.c      Thu Jul 12 12:02:23 2001
--- XML.orig/nanohttp.c Mon Jun 25 09:31:08 2001
*** 772,778 ****
            memcpy(&ia, h->h_addr_list[i], h->h_length);
            sockin.sin_family = h->h_addrtype;
            sockin.sin_addr   = ia;
!           sockin.sin_port   = htons((u_short)port);
            addr = (struct sockaddr *)&sockin;
  #ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
        } else if (h->h_addrtype == AF_INET6) {
--- 772,778 ----
            memcpy(&ia, h->h_addr_list[i], h->h_length);
            sockin.sin_family = h->h_addrtype;
            sockin.sin_addr   = ia;
!           sockin.sin_port   = htons(port);
            addr = (struct sockaddr *)&sockin;
  #ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
        } else if (h->h_addrtype == AF_INET6) {

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