Re: [xml] libxml2 thread safety (SUMMARY)

On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 11:43:26AM +0100, Gary Pennington wrote:
 Okay, I would not call this beautiful but it is acceptable if contained
to a limited area. There is also 2 places where I would need to take a lock
in other places in the code. I suggest the following:
   - sepearate the global state definition in a state.h header
   - move all this code and definitions of the global variables in
     a state.c module
   - export the locking as a libxml function and data to help portability,
     this is not a full encapsulation of a thread system, just the
     create/lock/unlock/destroy of a lock since it will be used in other
     places in libxml (and possibly libxslt too).

I would propose adding two functions to support locking/unlocking of the 
parser context. I don't think that I will export the lock create/destroy 
since that is internal to the library and should have nothing to do with 
any consumers. I'll think more about the utility of internal 
functions/macros to do this.
  I would need to add locking to XPath and Catalog implementation.
This mean I need to create and destroy locks. I want an uniform way to
do this within the library.

 I would go for the latter. For example the predefined entities list 
is global and should be shared by all threads, I would not put it in
the structure. Other variables are harder, like the Catalog ones, it
could make sense to maintain them per thread but they are costly to build,
this is not simple to decide.

I will need some help here. I have a candidate list (which is all the 
exported clearly non-static variables in 2.4.5) could you go through 
this list and indicate to me which globals should be thread specific.

Here's the list (ignore the undef):

#undef  docbDefaultSAXHandler
  shared The default sax values are overridable independantly so it's
better to keep them shared IMHO

#undef  htmlDefaultSAXHandler

#undef  oldXMLWDcompatibility

#undef  xmlBufferAllocScheme

#undef  xmlDefaultBufferSize

#undef  xmlDefaultSAXHandler

#undef  xmlDefaultSAXLocator

#undef  xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue

#undef  xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue

#undef  xmlIndentTreeOutput

#undef  xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue

#undef  xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue

#undef  xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue

#undef  xmlParserDebugEntities

#undef  xmlParserVersion

#undef  xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue

#undef  xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue

#undef  xmlSaveNoEmptyTags

#undef  xmlStringComment

#undef  xmlStringText

#undef  xmlStringTextNoenc

#undef  xmlGenericError
#undef  xmlGenericErrorContext
  local but I can see that sometimes people would prefer to change
it once for all threads

#undef  xmlFree
#undef  xmlMalloc
#undef  xmlMemStrdup
#undef  xmlRealloc
  Hum ... per-thread allocation mechanism is powerful but really
dangerous. Note that they should be kept initialized.
People have argued in the past taht it would be great to have memory
pools to make deallocation O(1) like in Apache

I know that some of them are clearly not meant to be re-defined on a 
per-thread basis, e.g. xmlMalloc but I've left them in for completeness 
sake. Could you indicate which variables should go in the structure in 
your opinion? I will assume that any variables which aren't intended to 
be changed by consumers are the ones left over and they will be clearly 
documented as such when this work is done.

A consequence of this work is that no more global state should be 
introduced into libxml2, at least not unless it's completely 
unavoidable. We want to minimise the amount of global state to make 
movement to libxml3 as painless as possible.
  Seems you missed the Catalogs module at least. And having global state
there clearly makes sense.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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