[xml] RE: namespaces in XPath queries (bug?)

Hi there.

I am forwarding your message to the libxml2 mailing list. Chances are
that someone there knows the cure for you.

I'm using the libxml 2.4.3 for Win32 (IA32) that You have compiled.
Error C:\php4-build\ports\source\libxml2-2.3.7\xpath.c:6565: 
Undefined namespace prefix
Take a look at the location of the offending .c file in the error line
above. I started providing binaries as of version 2.4.0, so far I can
remember. More, I have never had my sources in
c:\php4-build\ports\source\. I don't know what you are running, but it
is nothing of my creation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Krzysztof Jarecki [mailto:zenderx ipro pl]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 6:57 PM
To: Igor Zlatkovic
Subject: namespaces in XPath queries (bug?)

I'm using the libxml 2.4.3 for Win32 (IA32) that You have compiled.
My development enviroment consists also from an apache 1.3.20 
and php 4.0.6.
I have encountered a small problem using XPath and namespaces.
I have the following (tested example) XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xform:xform xmlns:xform="www.xdom.pl/myxforms">
and I would like to issue a simple XPath query like:
and this gives an empty result...

so I tried something like this:

and I saw that libxml gives me the following error in 
apache's error log:
Error C:\php4-build\ports\source\libxml2-2.3.7\xpath.c:6565: 
Undefined namespace prefix
xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed
Entity: line 1: warning: Namespace prefix xform is not defined
Entity: line 2: warning: Namespace prefix xform is not defined
When I've changed the xml to look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xform:xform xmlns:xform="www.xdom.pl/myxforms">

the query  "//caption" worked perfectly.

I'm writing to You in order to maybe get some help...
I don't know whether I do something wrong (maybe there's a 
special namespace calling convention in XPath?) or 
this is a bug in libxml...???

Hope to hear from You:) 
Any word will be appreciated ;)

Chris Jarecki
Ipro Int.

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