Re: [xml] Pull parser termination

On 10 Apr 2002, Fabrice DESRE - FT.BD/FTR&D/DTL/TAL wrote:

1) The client POSTs an XML doc to the server (the SOAP request). Since I
can't rely on the client providing a content-length HTTP header and
obviously the TCP connection is not closed I have to use a trick. All
the implementations I know of use the endDocument SAX event to sync.
Which clients are you referring to, specifically? Section 4.4 of RFC 2616
suggests that you will always be able to determine the transfer length of
the request entity. How else would a server deal with, say, a POST request
of arbitrary data with no known structure?

Section 7.2 of RFC 1945 puts it rather more bluntly: "HTTP/1.0 requests
containing an entity body must include a valid Content-Length header

Hopefully that makes things somewhat easier.


Dan Ellis <dan isvara net>

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