Re: [xml] how to recognize Chinese?

As I wrote your before, please give *more* information: the exact error printed out, small files that demonstrate you problem, etc. You current question looks like: "something
somewhere does not work, go and fix it!"


P.S. And I hope Daniel will not read your message before first cup of coffee :)

lxl0621 vip sina com wrote:

when i signatured a xml file containing DTD file,it will fail if the DTD file contains Chinese . So I consider that the signature cannot recognise a Chinese DTD file so that the signature cannot process the Chinese xml file.For example: <!ELEMENT books (#PCDATA|Ãû×Ö|writer> <!ELEMENT Ãû×Ö (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT writer (#PCDATA)> I asked for help .How to process DTD including Chinese word. Can you help me resolve this problem? Please answer me as possible as quickly .Thank you

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