Re: [xml] libxml2-api.xml

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 01:14:22AM +0100, Petr Kozelka wrote:
  It's in CVS, I just pushed a new version with a full coverage of the
libxml2 interface including type, names and descriptions for every
exported symbol. It's now nearly 500KBytes, so I have put a copy at
ok, thanks; now some questions about the future, after having first look at it:
- do you intend to create detailed structure describing the type, instead of just "type" attribute with the 
C-style declaration ?
(this would be especially useful for header translation)
  Not sure I want/can go down to that level of detail.

- it would be nice if those 'enum' -like constants were grouped together as enumerations, with info per 
enum + per constant (this
would require special comments I'm afraid)
  I have the info if a constant comes from a given enum, I can probably
serialize it, yes

- wouldn't it make sense to put the declarations ("function" and "macro") right under "file", so that it is 
easier to find where a
symbol is declared ?
  I prefer to use an attribute for this at the moment.

- what about libxslt-api.xml ?
  Once the tool generation chain and the associated XSLT
to generate other stuff are done and sufficiently debugged.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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