Re: [xml] Providing standard COM modules (Was: [xslt] Thread safe?)

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 12:24:15PM +0200, Igor  Zlatkovic wrote:
  I have the horrible feeling that most of the libxml2/libxslt Windows
users did as a first step of the integration of the library 
in their project
a COM wrapper. And I also sense that the Right Thing to do at 
this point is
to try to provide a standardized COM module for those libraries.
Not most users. Most beginners have tried this, because that is the only
way they knew. None of these who crossed my way posessed knowledge
enough to compile a hello-world DLL and load it in a hello-world

I can give you the COM wrapper, no problem. This is a time-consuming
task as libxml has 800+ functions, but it is easy. Everyone can do that.
I would however be the first one not using it. Speaking to libxml
through COM (and particularily DCOM) would mean few things:
 * Memory allocation of data which goes through DCOM may not be done
using malloc, but through CoTaskMemAlloc() or the system's IMalloc
interface. The wrapper would have to handle this. 
 * All character string traffic which goes through DCOM would have to be
BSTR (length-prefixed Unicode string) format.
With all that MSXML would perform better, in addition to being
automatically available on all recent Windows installations.
   Okay, then my feeling may have been totally wrong, precisely
because I have no knowledge all that beast,

Just to add that Microsoft's current staregy is discouraging any further
use of COM. They now put all their expectations in .NET and the defeat
of Java :-)
  C# bindings will be next to Schemas in my roadmap so far.

Maybe I'm just
totally off-track w.r.t. what COM is or the possibility of agreeing on
a common object model, in that case feel free to hit me with your
preferred clue bat !
I'll post another message now to clear the situation... :-)
  Thanks a lot !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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