Re: [xml] warning in make tests actually ok?

Igor Zlatkovic writes:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 12:15:53PM -0700, George Hartzell wrote:
I've built libxml2-2.5.6 on a Suse Linux box.  When I run make tests,
it mentions to expect warnings about title.xml, but doesn't say
anything about a warning I'm getting in the Xinclude test:

  warning: failed to load external entity "test/XInclude/docs/something.xml"

Is this a valid warning, or an acceptable one from the way that the
tests are set up?
You didn't notice that the given external entity does not exist?
Yes, I noticed that the given external entity does not exist.
Actually, I noticed that I couldn't find it, but I'm wise enough to
know that that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

I'm also an XML neophyte, so many things XML aren't obvious to me.

I still don't know the answer to the question that I asked.

Given that someone took the trouble to warn me that the other tests
would print warnings that were actually a routine part of running the
tests, consistency would have suggested that they would include a
similar heads-up for this one if it were expected.

I *think* that this is the xml file that's generating the warning
message, and I can't tell if/when it should print the "Inclusion
failed" warning.  Since it didn't print the warning text, does that
mean that trying to include a file that doesn't exist failed the way
that it's supposed to, or failed to fail the way that it's supposed
to, or succeeded in failing the way that it's supposed to, or???

  <x xmlns:xinclude="";>
     <!-- Simple test of a fallback on unavailble URI -->
     <xinclude:include href="something.xml">
       <xinclude:fallback><warning>Inclusion failed</warning></xinclude:fallback>

The context here is that I'm trying to understand some failures in the
corresponding Perl libraries [e.g. XML-LibXML-1.53] (involving
Xinclude) and it'd help to know whether I can trust that the
underlying libxml2 built as it should.

So, all of that long winded stuff aside, can I relax about the warning
that the test script generated, or should I dig further into it?


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