Re: [xml] "Re: [xml] usage of xmlReconciliateNs"'

On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 04:17:54PM +0200, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:

Kasimier Buchcik wrote:

xmlReconciliateNS calls xmlNewReconciliedNs(doc, tree, node->ns) to 
search for existing namespaces; "tree" is the given top of the subtree 
and never changes, thus the search won't ever touch any of the declared 
namespaces *inside* the subtree.

Kasimier Buchcik
I'm repeating this statement, since it is a statement and not a question 
and I don't know if someone feels in mood to let roll a statement in his 

So add to it:
Is this a bug, if the namespaces declared inside the subtree are not 
included to the search for reusable namespaces?
  In general this won't work because the namespace node needs to be "in-scope"
i.e. held by a parent of the node referencing it, and usually if you're missing
a namespace it's because the parent was from the old tree.

      <b xmlns:foo="foo">
         <c foo:attr="">
            <d xmlns:bar="foo">

  though possible is unlikely. If you detach <c> the namespace used by e
could be remapped to the one held by d, but it won't fix the problem for 
foo:attr on c anyway...
  So no I think it makes little sense to do what you suggest.

Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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