Re: [xml] include index.sgml in thedistribution archives of libxml and libxslt

Hi Daniel,

gains returns filesnames with local anchor to the identifier. If your doc
transformation uses the same filenames and anchor as gtk-doc it should work.

Alternatively I see if I can get Doxygen to genereate docs, which I can search
as well.


Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 10:27:18AM +0100, Stefan Kost wrote:

Hi Daniel,

okay understood. It's a pitty, as with gnains I could search through all of my
gtk-doc at once (I've just added some macros to my favourite editor to search
for word under curser and open the docs in internal html browser).

  Well, the content of index.sgml could certainly be recreated from
libxml2-api.xml, but the html files are somewhat different from the
ones generated by gtk-doc. Maybe if the only dependancy is to have a
working fragment identifier then that would still work !


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