'Re: [xml] "thread-support performance (transformations)"'


Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 01:11:13PM +0200, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:


did anybody encountered heavy losses in the performance of 
transformations if using libxml2 with thread support turned on?
I testet 5 threads performing a sequence of transformations: every 
sequence took 10 times longer than running a single thread.

Any clues, or is this normal behaviour?

  You really don't give enough informations. 
Is this an SMP box ?

what system are you using, do you have any other locking in your system ?
It's a MS Windoze 2000. The tests were done without any further locking.

There is just too many ways to get troubles when doing
parallel processing that trying to answer as-is would be meaningless.
Yes, I see your point. We just wanted to know if there is some kind of 
known performance issue - regardless the system.

We simply came to the conclusion that we finally have to port our 
application to linux. So it is the way windows handles threads that lead 
to heavy speed losses.


Kasimier Buchcik

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