Re: [xml] Crash/Memory leak in threads.c

Stéphane Bidoul wrote:
Eugene Gershnik wrote:


1. An application creates some threads _before loading libxml_
2. The application loads libxml explicitly and performs some
operations from the threads created in step 1.
3. The application unloads libxml. At this point the
DLL_PROCESS_DETACH notification _will not be sent_ for the threads
that existed prior to libxml loading (i.e. threads from step 1).
Result: memory leak.

I suppose you mean DLL_*THREAD*_DETACH?
Right, I mistyped the name.

I belevie that it is impossible to make DLL_PROCESS_DETACH to work
correctly. For myself I solved the problem by storing a list of
allocated xmlGlobalStates and freeing it on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. I
would gladly post the code if there is an interest in it.

Sure. However, you must continue to free the xmlGlobalState in
DLL_THREAD_DETACH also, for (common) situations where libxml is
and then many threads are created and destroyed.
Sure thing. What I did was to link the CleanupParams structures into a
doubly linked list. The DLL_THREAD_DETACH notification continues to clean up
as before and removes an entry from the list. Finally, on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
I clean up whatever is left in the linked list. This of course requires a
critical section to protect list insertions/deletions but since it is being
used only on initial xmlGlobalState creation and thread cleanup I don't
think it will have any noticable performance impact.

Best Regards,

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