RE: [xml] Libxml and iconv for PocketPC2002

From: Arda Tekin [mailto:arda tekin softhome net] 
I couldn't understand the libxml library sources for WCE platform and I
compiled libxml and iconv for PocketPC2002(X86Dbg, ARMDbg) in 
Visual Embedded C++.
I don't really understand this. You couldn't understand how to do something
but you were able to do it anyway? Is there anything that you still need
help with?

Anyone who doesn't want to add useless msxml COM components into their
projects can ask me for the binaries.

I'm very glad that you could do that successfully. I have also suffered with
the hopelessness of MSXML on Windows CE. But it would be more helpful if you
could tell us how to build it (maybe there should be a Visual Embedded C++
project file in the libxml tarball) rather than have 1000 developers just
get binaries from you personally.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net
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