Re: [xml] LibXML XPointer evaluation problem

On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 05:27:00PM -0800, Lanre Amos wrote:

We have a DSig verification problem where XPointer evaluation fails.

We think the reason is because there is a '+' sign in the ID attribute of the XML data.

<MLData id="APQiGVOZCmUVaH3pYG+c1IamyaAH"><version>1.0</version> ... etc.

Please confirm if this is a known bug in LibXML and what the workaround is.
  This is not a libxml2 bug.
  This is a bug in your instance, '+' is NOT among the set of characters
allowed for ID purposes by the XML specification.

    Validity constraint: ID
    "Values of type ID must match the Name production."

  An ID name MUST match the Name production of the spec:

If the name given in the attribute don't match the Name production it
cannot be used as an ID. You must change the scheme used to generate 
your identifiers so that they always match the Name production.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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