Re: [xml] some questions

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 12:42:58AM +0200, aliban gmx net wrote:
my project the jabber lib will be finished in the next weeks (ready 
to publish ;)
i had a few questions

a) is it possible to compile/use libxml2 without the usage of iconv 
and zlib? in fact i am not using any other stuff then utf8. i did not 
try yet because i was using the precompiled dlls for windows but when 
i understand evrything right it should work without iconv?
  yes those are optionnal

b) as you might remember i also wrote you the mail with the problem i 
had with xmlParseChunk() and parsing the xmpp stream. You suggested 
that you will add such a function that would do the thing one day. u 
also said that this might not be so difficult and done in 
xmlParseGetLasts() and xmlParseTryOrFinish(). It would be great if 
the next release of libxml would work with my app and therefor i am 
interested in resolving this thing. Is it ok if i make a patch or a 
new API function for the lib and submitt it to you or would you 
rather not integrate foreign code and do it another day yourself?
  If you read what's happening on this list, when I suggest someone does
a patch and that persone does it, I apply said patch unless there is a
serious issue. So yes, sure, I suggest you try to work around the problem,
and provide an implementation for said API, just please make sure it's
per context and not relying on a global variable.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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