Re: [xml] libxml2 and pthreads

Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 03:29:30PM -0700, Ben Greear wrote:

Daniel Veillard wrote:

On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 12:57:31PM -0700, Ben Greear wrote:
That would force existing threaded apps using libxml2 to change
their initialization code, basically an API/ABI break. Impossible at this
point, sorry !
Not really.  The default behaviour could have the current initialization 
initialize the locks with pthread-related methods.  But, if a distribution
wanted to have a pthread-less (but still potentially thread-safe) libxml,
then they can compile it w/out pthreads and patch any threaded applications
to use the new external lock initialization logic.

  Okay why not, but it won't change the requirement on pthreads by
default if compiled with --with-threads on Linux. If you make a patch I
will look at it :-)
My hope would be that distributions would start shipping it compiled w/out
pthreads by default and applications that currently use the pthread version
would quickly migrate to this new approach.

I haven't looked at the xml source before, but I'll see if I can get
something done in a day or two.


Ben Greear <greearb candelatech com>
Candela Technologies Inc

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