[xml] RE: Link error in libxml 2.6.7 on Win32: ftol2

Hi Emanuel,

Thanks, this solved the link problem.

Unfortunately I still cannot use libxml2 2.6.7. Now xmlReadFile() crasehes
with access violation.
With 2.6.4., xmlReadFile() on the same XML file works correctly.
I link with static libxml_a.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

-----Original Message-----
From: Emanuel Dejanu [mailto:emanuel sw ro] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:17 PM
To: ganor softlink com
Cc: xml gnome org; igor zlatkovic com
Subject: RE: Link error in libxml 2.6.7 on Win32: ftol2


Put the following in some cpp file and compile your project. 
Original link: 

// only for MSDEV 6.0
#if (_MSC_VER == 1200) && (WINVER < 0x0500)
extern "C" long _ftol( double ); //defined by VC6 C libs
extern "C" long _ftol2( double dblSource ) { return _ftol( 
dblSource ); } #endif

Best regards,

Emanuel Dejanu

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