Re: [xml] processes and threading with xmlInitParser()

Thanks for the prompt answer Daniel. Just need to check something...
After calling . /configure --with-threads   the config.log file
includes the line WITH_THREADS='0'
Is this normal?

Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> 03/31/05 2:56 pm >>>
On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 02:16:01PM +0100, Peter Barrie wrote:
Using libxml2-2.6.9
  This is old.

I'm using multiple processes under QNX. Each process may have
threads. All processes use dynamic linking to libxml2-2.6.9. What
be best practice for using xmlInitParser() and xmlCleanupParser() in
this situation?  No code other than mine will make use of libxml.

  all xmlInitParser at the beginning before launching threads and
call xmlCleanupParser()

looked through the archives, but the multiple process issue is not
discussed specifically. Maybe no different to the multiple thread
  Should be no different. libraries space are Copy On Write betweeen 
processes. They should not interfere, if they do, the system is
not POSIX compliant and would be terribly insecure.

Can I check the configuration issues. I expect I need to

./configure --with-threads  

Do I need to do anything else to work in a multiprocess,

Thanks for any help


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Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team 
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