Re: [xml] more an the "ampersand problem"

On 25.05.2005 12:44, oliverst online de wrote:
OK, I tried something different and here the code of what I tried:

{ const char* str = "<>\"'&";

xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node ) { xmlNodeSetContent(node, BAD_CAST str); }
string xml_str; CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node, xml_str); cout <<
xml_str << endl << endl;

xmlNodePtr node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST str);

CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node2, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl;

xmlNodePtr node3 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node3 ) { xmlNewProp(node3, BAD_CAST str, BAD_CAST "test"); }
CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node3, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl;

xmlNodePtr node4 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node4 ) { xmlNewProp(node4, BAD_CAST "test", BAD_CAST str); }
CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node4, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl; }

{ const char* str = "&lt;&gt;&quot;'&amp;";

xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node ) { xmlNodeSetContent(node, BAD_CAST str); }
string xml_str; CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node, xml_str); cout <<
xml_str << endl << endl;

xmlNodePtr node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST str);

CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node2, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl;

xmlNodePtr node3 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node3 ) { xmlNewProp(node3, BAD_CAST str, BAD_CAST "test"); }
CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node3, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl;

xmlNodePtr node4 = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "test"); if( node4 ) { xmlNewProp(node4, BAD_CAST "test", BAD_CAST str); }
CbXmlNodeToXmlFormatString(node4, xml_str); cout << xml_str << endl
<< endl;


and the results:

error : unterminated entity reference <test>&lt;&gt;"'</test>


<test <>"'&="test"/>

<test test="&lt;&gt;&quot;'&amp;"/>



<test &lt;&gt;&quot;'&amp;="test"/>

<test test="&amp;lt;&amp;gt;&amp;quot;'&amp;amp;"/>

In case 1 it does not encode the & and does drop it with an error
message, but it does encode all the others. Igor's explanation was
totally acceptable to me, but as seen in case 4 everything is
converted there. The cases 2 and 3 can be ignored, as it's not a
valid XML in both cases and I have to assure, that I use valid chars
for the attribute or node name. But in the last case I give the
attribute an already properly encoded string and it does
double-encode it. This also feels wrong to me, because you have to
encode it, but it's nowhere mentioned, if libxml2 is doing the
encoding for you or not. At least something like this should be added
to the documentation. If the first case would behave properly on the
ampersand I would only have to care, that my input is proper UTF-8
and not about those "bad" special chars and would not have to convert
anything by myself. Now I have to do the same as the libxml with my
input string, parse it for the "unterminated entity" (the
single-standing smapersand) and convert it.
Well, as I said, my opinion as stated was what I think is right, it 
wasn't based on the actual code.
Whatever, I feel that libxml should not display too much intelligence 
here. Either escape everything or escape nothing and abort with an error 
if something isn't escaped right. The latter preferred.
I mean, in every context, be you in a value of an attribute, or in a 
text node, or in the tag name of an element, the rules are clear 
regarding which characters are allowed to appear unescaped. According to 
your examples, there are places where this isn't consistent, but there 
it is.
Interfaces of almost all parsers this world has to offer are 
concentrated on stream inputs, on something that comes from a file or a 
network. There you can always tell the author that she delivered 
nonconformant XML. I feel the same should apply at the programming 
level. If you feed libxml with strings, make sure that they are 
conformant XML and the specs will tell you what must be escaped and 
where. Libxml should escape nothing but leave the escaping to 
applications, they want to use XML after all and should do it with due 
pride :) But that is only my opinion.

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