Re: [xml] PATCH: implement xmlSaveToBuffer()

Daniel Veillard wrote:
+static int
+xmlBufferClose (void * context) {
+    (void) context;
+    return(0);
  That's absically a noop. I think this can be just removed and NULL be passed
as the function pointer, but to be sure I just removed the (void) context;
line and kept the function declaration, but if you could check that just
removing xmlBufferClose() and passing NULL works that would shave a few
bytes off :-)
I've tested your suggestion and I have found no problems passing NULL 
for the ioclose function. The attached patch implements this relative to 
the current CVS.
Index: xmlIO.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libxml2/xmlIO.c,v
retrieving revision 1.167
diff -r1.167 xmlIO.c
< /**
<  * xmlBufferClose:
<  * @context:  the xmlBuffer
<  *
<  * Close a buffer
<  *
<  * Returns 0 or -1 in case of error
<  */
< static int
< xmlBufferClose (void * context) {
<     return(0);
< }
<                                   xmlBufferClose,
<                                   (void *) buffer, encoder);
                                  NULL, (void *) buffer, encoder);

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