RE: [xml] xhtml1 test case

From: Daniel Veillard [mailto:veillard redhat com]
On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 10:19:38AM -0700, Jain, Nilesh wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Veillard [mailto:veillard redhat com]
 Because it's a suggestion to do that CDATA escaping in the XHTML1
W3C REC but in some case it is not needed and to avoid nasty interop
problem with IE that escaping is dropped when not needed:
After reading above link, seems to me that CDATA tag is used to drive
parsing what to do in such cases.
 We disagree on the reading of the spec or I don't understand your

When I looked at the test cases,
parsing routing is adding CDATA tag internally if some entity is
inside javascript. Why parser is adding tag?
 The parser is adding the tag to avoid problem with escaping at the
level and the script content.
"Wrapping the content of the script or style element within a CDATA
marked section avoids the expansion of these entities". so also mean if
script data is not wrapped up in the CDATA tag it will be expand the
entities. Which parser is doing, but after doing that it adds CDATA tag.

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