Re: [xml] xmlNewTextWriterFilename Win32 Problem

OK, I've re-written my code so that the two file name string nonsense from below is non-existent. I'm no longer convinced my code is the culprit here.
So, I have function, XMLWriteData(char *v) where v is a path and file 
name as returned from GetOpenFileName.  I've verified that it's not a 
synchronization issue and XMLReadData (a thread) is working correctly.  
Still, the code is crashing when calling xmlNewTextWriterFilename.  
xmlNewTextWriterFilename doesn't return, it just crashes in NTDLL.dll 
somewhere (0x7C918FEA).  Based on a Google search for "7C918FEA 
libxml2", this seems to have happened to the Python folks, too. 

This seems to exhibit the same behvior as  
I'm more than happy to help someone correct the problem.  Again, this 
only happened when making my XMLReadData function into a thread, so 
maybe that function isn't cleaning up correctly or something. Maybe a 
critical section isn't being deleted?  Note that 7C918FEA is in 

- Coleman

Coleman Brumley wrote:


Yes, of course you're correct and that's a flaw in my thread design. Thank you for pointing that out. I had even tried an attempt at putting fname on the heap and that made things worse.
So, likely what I'll do is:
populate fname
waitforsingleobject(...) --> the object will be set in the XMLReadData thread after the contents of fname are copied locally via memmove
However, that's a flaw in XMLReadData which doesn't have a problem.  
What threw me is that XMLWriteData is *not* multi threaded and only 
started exhibiting this behavior when I made XMLReadData a thread. If 
both functions remain single threaded, there is no problem.  That 
doesn't seem to me to be a synchronization issue and I don't see how 
improving the design of XMLReadData would have any effect.
I will double check my project settings and see if I'm linked to the 
wrong multi-thread library or something.
- Coleman

Bjorn Reese wrote:

Coleman Brumley wrote:

I have a strange problem with xmlNewTextWriterFilename on Win32.

I believe that your problem is related to multi-threading, not libxml
per se.

I have two file name strings:
char outname[MAX_PATH]={(char)0};
static char fname[MAX_PATH]={(char)0};

Are they global or local variables? The static keyword has two different
meanings for these two cases.

outname gets passed to a function XMLWriteData(const char *file) which in turn calls xmlNewTextWriterFilename(file,0);. As long as the fname variable (which gets passed to XMLReadData via the CreateThread function) is static, xmlNewTextWriterFilename crashes and generates an access violoation in NTDLL.
As soon as I change the declarations to:
char outname[MAX_PATH]={(char)0};
/*static*/ char fname[MAX_PATH]={(char)0};

xmlNewTextWriteFilename works fine.

I am going to assume that fname is a local variable. You can think of
a static local variable as a global variable that cannot be seen from
outside the function where it is defined.

The point is that only one buffer exist in memory for fname. If you
change the contents of fname, it will affect all threads. This can lead
to strange behavior. So given the above information, my guess is that
the observed behavior occurs because you access a shared resource
(fname) from multiple threads without any synchronization.

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