Re: [xml] UTF-8 Conversion

Tyler MacDonald <tyler yi org> wrote:
      My result actually isn't that bad now, I'm just having to deal with
UTF-8 conversion (which is a bit of a pain).
        Ok.. so in my test, the string is "Foo & Bar's Excellent Adventure".

        I'm trying to inject it into a text node. No matter what I try, it
*doesnt* get injected into the node tree, and I get "output error : string
is not in UTF-8" or "xmlEscapeEntities : char out of range".

        Here's my latest attempt. It says "xmlEscapeEntities : char out of
range" when I pass the string "Foo & Bar's Excellent Adventure" through the
"%s" handler in bt_data2xml below:

#define DATA2XML(s,t) if(!strcmp(description.format, s)) { sprintf((char*)__buffer, description.format, 
*((t*)data)); }

xmlNodePtr bt_data2xml(xmlNodePtr parent, bt_xml_node description, void* data) {
    xmlChar *holder;
    int len = 200;
    int inlen;
    if(!strcmp(description.format, "%s")) {
        holder = xmlCharStrdup((char*)data);
        inlen = strlen(holder);
        isolat1ToUTF8(__buffer, &len, holder, &inlen);
    else DATA2XML("%llu", u_int64_t)
    else DATA2XML("%lu", time_t)
    else DATA2XML("%u", u_int32_t)
    else {
        __buffer[0] = 0;
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s is null: unknown format '%s'\n",, description.format);
    return xmlNewTextChild(parent, NULL,, __buffer);    

        Any ideas?


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