Re: [xml] xmlwriter, attributes and encoding

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 07:54:49AM -0400, Rob Richards wrote:
Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 07:06:48PM -0400, Rob Richards wrote:
When using xmlwriter attributes , document encoding that has been set is 
not passed to xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent, so character references are 
written when needed.
The xmlDocPtr passed to xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent is only used to check 
encoding, so I was wondering if the code in the attached patch is fine 
to fix this (it fakes a document so any changes within 
xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent to manipulate the passed document could 
possibly blow up - though i dont see any need/reason to ever do this).
 Hum, that's a bit nasty, because none of the fields in the document
structure are initialized (except encoding), so it internally use an
API based not on the API description but on its implementation. If at
some point someone add something like entity lookup to
xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent or just check the document type, suddently
the writer would crash in an unexpected way. 
 So fields should at least be zero initialized, which is probably
a bit costly if done for every single attribute emitted. So while passing
a document might be a good idea, it's better to create and initialize that
document when getting the xmlTextWriterPtr. Maybe adding a doc in 
struct _xmlTextWriter and making sure it's at least minimally initialized
and properly freed with the xmlTextWriter is a good idea. That sounds
far more clean to me, but a bit more work indeed :-)

Was tying to keep the change as minimal as possible, so how about this one.
A doc has been added to the struct and is always created within 
xmlNewTextWriter(). This would at least provide a doc that could be used 
for this type of thing, rather than checking if one exists and having to 
create one if needed at different points within the xmlwriter API. This 
doc is also completely independent of any doc that may exist within a 
*** 539,544 ****
--- 546,553 ----
      if (encoder != NULL) {
          writer->out->conv = xmlBufferCreateSize(4000);
          xmlCharEncOutFunc(encoder, writer->out->conv, NULL);
+             if (writer->doc)
+                     writer->doc->encoding = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *)writer->out->encoder->name);
      } else
          writer->out->conv = NULL;
  I would suggest to guard that a bit better as
    if ((writer->doc != NULL) && (writer->doc->encoding == NULL))

just in case writer->doc gets inherited in some way in the future or if
a default encoding shows up.
Otherwise it looks fine to me, just run the regression tests for good measure
before commiting, one never knows :-)


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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