[xml] Saving information back to original XIncluded xml files

I posted this question earlier, but my email got bounced because the server was not updated with my registration.  Hopefully it is now.


Here is my question:  Is there or has there been any work done on saving potentially changed XIncluded information back to original files?  I know that URL’s can come from just about anywhere, but I am only interested in loading and saving whole XIncluded xml files.  We currently use xml files under Windows and QNX (using libxml2) for configuration information and we have many different software configurations that could use the XInclude technology to bring in software/machine specific information.  Sometimes this information is modified and it needs to be saved back out to the original XIncluded file.


Does anyone have an implementation for this?  I have started to code my own implementation by adding functionality to xmlsave, but it requires that the href is not optional and I know there are limitations to my implementation where I may or may not be handling the recursive nature of xi:include and/or xi:fallback.


I thought I’d ask before continuing my implementation to see if there was anyone out there that already had a working implementation.


Dean Wittmann

Litrex Corporation

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