Re: [xml] more questions on catalogs

Chris Wareham wrote:
Rick Jones wrote:

I've not looked through the other patches, but I don't think any changes
that are made to xml2-config have to do with XML catalog support. Those
kind of config scripts are normally just patched to add in things like
default linker paths. Programs don't have to be aware of where the
default catalog is, the library is configured to know when it's built.

Programs - or more specifically, installation mechanisms for those programs - certainly do need to know where the default catalog resides.
rick jones

Yes, but in the case of NetBSD's pkgsrc, the "installation mechanism"
knows where the catalog is - after all, it's part of the system that set
the catalog's location.
And how can my program - netperf4 - learn where NetBSD decided to stash the catalog?

rick jones

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