Re: [xml] html parser

On 25.06.06 19:48:38, Surya Kiran Gullapalli wrote:
Also, if there're no html parser bindings, could somebody please give me
pointers on parsing html file. I do not see any html parser examples for
libxml2. (I've visited only libxml2 web page)
The C-API provides various functions to parse a html file, for example:

htmlDocPtr      htmlParseFile           (const char * filename, 
                                         const char * encoding)
htmlDocPtr      htmlReadDoc             (const xmlChar * cur, 
                                         const char * URL, 
                                         const char * encoding, 
                                         int options)
htmlDocPtr      htmlReadFd              (int fd, 
                                         const char * URL, 
                                         const char * encoding, 
                                         int options)
htmlDocPtr      htmlReadFile            (const char * filename, 
                                         const char * encoding, 
                                         int options)
htmlDocPtr      htmlReadIO              (xmlInputReadCallback ioread, 
                                         xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose, 
                                         void * ioctx, 
                                         const char * URL, 
                                         const char * encoding, 
                                         int options)
htmlDocPtr      htmlReadMemory          (const char * buffer, 
                                         int size, 
                                         const char * URL, 
                                         const char * encoding, 
                                         int options)

Klick on "API Menu" and then on HTMLParser for more information.


Excellent day to have a rotten day.

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