Re: [xml] Removing all of the xml:X attributes from a node

Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 03:46:46PM -0800, Rush Manbert wrote:

I am trying to write a function that removes all attributes from an element using the tree interface. It seems that xml:lang, xml:id, and xml:space are special cases, since they have their own get and set functions.
Do I need to do anything special to remove these attributes from the 

  No, they are normal attributes, only their namespace is special.

My current code for "remove all attributes" is this:

inline void
removeAllNodeAttributes (xmlNodePtr pNode)
   xmlAttrPtr pAttr;
   while (NULL != (pAttr = pNode->properties))
       xmlRemoveProp (pAttr);

  that should work. That won't remove namespace declarations, but that's
normal they are a different kind of nodes, and removing them is way harder.

Thanks Daniel, maybe this thread will work.

My apologies, I wrote xml:id when I means xml:base in the original post.

I can see that xml:base is applied to an element in the normal way. The W3C Recommendation has this example:
<doc xml:base="";

It makes sense that remove all attributes should remove that one. Or at least have the option of removing it.
However, xml:space only seems to appear in the DTD, within an 
<!ATTLIST>. Does that just end up adding a normal attribute named 
xml:space on every affected element, but it does it "behind the scenes"?
If I wanted to change my code to preserve xml:space and xml:base, would 
I just do a string compare of "xml" to xmlAttribute.prefix and,  either 
"base" or "space" to

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