Re: [xml] bug 362989

Thanks Daniel. I'll check the CVS.

I agree that "exponential" is a better word than "infinite loop", since
during test I felt that the bigger the xsd file is, the (much) longer it
takes. Sometimes when the file size is not too big, the problem will
finally stop after running for a long time.

Best, and have a great holiday :-)

Yong Chen

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Veillard [mailto:veillard redhat com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 1:27 PM
To: Yong Chen (yongche)
Cc: xml gnome org
Subject: Re: [xml] bug 362989

On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 12:12:11PM -0800, Yong Chen (yongche) wrote:
Hi Daniel,
  Hi Yong,

Thanks a lot, I do appreciate your effort, time, and kindness.
  see the bitter frenchman sometimes actually helps. Today 
was holliday in France, so I managed to get some time !

Also wanted to let you know, it's not that I didn't want to 
spend my 
time on it, you know I'm using libxml2 seriously. Actually 
I've been 
debugging this issue for a long time, including reading 
libxml source 
code, trimming down the xsd file for all kinds of testings. 
Trust me, 
I did spend lots of time on it.
  Okay :-) What made it hard for me was that content for that 
type had initially more than a hundred state, impossible to 
track the behaviour completely, problem was to spot the 
problem pattern.

As for my xsd file, I knew it had "non-deterministic" problem (that 
is, name uniqueness violation), I used a Java xsd validator and it 
showed me the problem. But libxml2 should show me the same error 
(instead, it went into infinite loop), that's something I 
want to fix.

  okay, reasonnable. That bit of information could have been 
useful though.

Yes the xsd file is auto-generated, your comments remind me 
to make it 
more readable (or user-friendly). I'll see if I can do 
something about 

Again, thanks a lot. I'll fix my xsd issue. And where can I see the 
bug fix and optimization code? (in the bugzilla)?
Ah, right, the fix is in CVS. I don't think it's really a 
loop issue, rather that a behaviour which was exponential 
being reduced to something more acceptable. Though it seems 
to have fixed 5 more tests in runsuite, maybe there was a 
real error underneath. A complex issue of recreating a 
transition using the normal API to avoid duplicate instead of 
direct in-situ modification of the transition.
I need to update the bugzilla entry, I made the mail first 
... good point.


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
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