Re: [xml] libxml2 run time question

Yuan Ni wrote:
My architecture is i686, is it compatible with i386?
If not, does it means that I need to download the source file, and
the source file of libxml2 on my machine?
Thanks a lot.

Yes, i386 is a subset of i686.  Probably the error is because other
utilities on your system (e.g. the "loader") are not compatible with
those on Fedora Core 6.  I suggest you un-install the rpm package, then
download, compile and install the plain source distribution


On 1/15/07, William M. Brack <wbrack mmm com hk> wrote:

Yuan Ni wrote:
Hi everyone,
My code havs used the libxml2 2.6.27 on the rpm for redhat i386 on
core 6.
The compile and link is ok.
However, when i run the code, it gives me the following error message
error while loading shared libraries: ELF file data
not little-endian
does it means that the library i used does not match my architecture?
How to deal with this problem?
Thanks a lot.
Ni Yuan


What architecture are you using (what is the output of the commmand
"uname -m")?  If it not an i386-compatible type it could explain the



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