Re: [xml] Query regardin storing of encoding information

On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 10:49:20AM +0530, Nagesh wrote:
Hi All,
      While parsing the xml document, If the encoding is any of UTF-8 or
UTF-16, then the function, xmlParseEncodingDecl( ) stores in the encoding
information in ctxt->encoding parameter, and if the encoding is something
else other than UTF-8 or UTF-16, then it stores in ctxt->input->encoding,
but ctxt->input->encoding is meant for the entities encoding.
      So I guess in this case, the function xmlParseEncodingDecl( ) should
populate ctxt->encoding rather than ctxt->input->encoding.
      Thanks in advance for the reply,
  I don't think it's proper as you can have encoding declarations in parsed
entities, and you don't want the encoding of the entity to override the
document main one.


Red Hat Virtualization group
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