Re: [xml] Improper Type Returned For Repeated Attribute Declaration

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 08:02:29PM +0530, Ashwin wrote:

      In  the  attached  file  the  attribute a1 is declared twice in the
   internal  subset. The draft (XML 1.0) says that this is ok, however it
   is binding that the type of the attribute value should be taken as the
   first  one  which  occurs in the definition, in this case CDATA occurs
   before  Nmtokens  therefore  the  type of a1 should be CDATA. However,
   this  is  not  the  case, while parsing the type associated with a1 is
   NMTOKENS  and  normalization  is  performed  on  the  attribute  value
   according to the rules specified in the XML draft. However, ideally in
   this case there should be no normalization and a1 should be treated as
  Hum, yes there is a problem in this edge case:
    - You will notice that when saving the document xmllint will not 
      output the superfluous NMTOKENS definition in the internal subset,
      so it seems libxml2 does not store it, which looks good
    - but as you noted the attribute value is normalized and that's not
      okay. If one comment out the NMTOKENS definition in the internal subset
      then the value is not normalized, which is the expected behaviour.

  So for some reason the NMTOKENS information is not completely dropped 
at parse time and retained and influence the parsing of the attribute.
I guess using a debugger and following the attribute processing in the
start tag SAX handler should allow to find this out quickly, I'm on
the road at the moment, not sure I will be able to spend time on it quickly
but if you can look for this it would be nice to get this fixed,

  thanks for the report, ideally the document should be stored in the regression
suite once the bug is fixed,


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
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