Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?

2008/11/7 Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com>:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 09:25:55AM +0800, Yang Songxiang-a22301 wrote:
Hi, all,

I used the libxml2 package recently, found it's a perfect XML parser.
The example codes/document are good for a newcomer to use the LibXML2,
but they lack of enough detail information. I had to dig into the
sources code if I want more furthermore details. I think we can write a
bible book, give a complete introduction for LibXML2 package, not only
it's calling convention, but also including it's design framework.
 I had been approached a few years ago about writing a libxml2 book,
but it's a lot of work, I didn't had the time (and not much more now)
and it was made relatively clear that financially that may not be very
 I don't have much time, so when i have some for libxml2 I prefer to
focuse on bugs or improvements that other contributors are less likely
to provide.

My draft idea:
1) Generate a DocBook framework,
2) Anyone can select a chapter that he/she interested.
3) Organize all chapters into a complete LibXML2 bible book.

I think this would help a lot for many C/C++ programmers who're the
first time using LibXML2, and would make LibXML2 more popular in C/C++
domain. Maybe the book can be published by O.Reilly if it's good enough.

What's your opinions?
 Sounds better than a wiki in my opinion, I'm fine adding this to CVS
and integrating patches to the docs as they come.
I think personally a wiki would be better, and then content could be
taken from that and integrated into a more "official" DocBook in CVS.
I heard you had tried setting up a wiki some years ago but had
problems with SPAM, but surely that's a problem that can be solved?
E.g. by only allowing e-mail confirmed registered users. Anything else
that speaks against a wiki? It would be easier to contribute, and
easier to make small fixes with less maintenance than sending patches,

 Best Regards

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 Heh, finally a smart non threatening way to label expected recipient
for mails issued by a corporation. Nice !
Yea I jumped at that too! Finally! :)



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