Re: [xml] Regarding Encoding Conversion In xmlOutputBufferWrite()

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:20:46AM +0530, Rabi Narayan Sahoo wrote:
Hi All

In xmlOutputBufferWrite function the encoding conversion is done if and only
if the used size of the buffer is greater than the MINLEN (4000)
  yes converter call is costly so we try to minimize them

or the number of characters to be written currently is not equal to the
total number of characters to be written. Hence when the total no of 

Characters to be written to the buffer is less than or equal to the four
times of MINLEN (4000) encoding conversion never happens until the used 

Buffer size exceeds 4000.

I am not getting why it is so. 
  Maybe because at the end of the process xmlOutputBufferFlush() is called

  If your problem is that it works and you don't understand why,
I would suggest to use a debugger and trace :-)

  But I may not have understood your question, if that's the case could
you please reformulate it ?


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
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