Re: [xml] namespace problem

Hi Emmanuel,

thx for ur answer, but it is still the same problem. I must be in the right node (correct line), but i do not get the attributes :-(


2010/1/3 Emmanuel Rodriguez <emmanuel rodriguez gmail com>

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Andreas Wagner <andreaswagner7 gmail com> wrote:
Hi folks,

i have an xml document like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ...?>
<root xmlns:Value="">
            <param name="xxx">
                 <Value:scalar name="xxx" type="BOOL"/>
            <param name="yyy">
                 <Value:scalar name="yyy" type="BOOL"/>

I can read the variables and the constants in the header, but when i want to read the Value:scalar name and type i get nothing. I read the correct lines, but the content is empty (thats normal) but the name of this element is "text".
When the current node is param i try to get the values with:

xmlChar *name;
cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
if (xmlGetNsProp(cur,(const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*) "Value"){
    name = xmlGetNsProp(cur,(const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*) "Value");
    printf("name: %s \n,name);
The second parameter of xmlGetNsProp has to be the URI of the namespace and not the prefix. Use this instead:
xmlGetNsProp(cur,(const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*) "");

Prefixes in namespaces are arbitrary and not always available (i.e. xmlns="" has no prefix yet has a namespace). The only way for matching nodes within the same namespace is to compare the URI. It can be a bit confusing sometimes :)

Emmanuel Rodriguez

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