Re: [xml] Help to write an element with an attribute

Thank you for your answer. I found a few hours before your answer the Tree API, and it's exactly what I 
Thanks for your help. The subject is closed.

 -----"Eric S. Eberhard" <eric vicsmba com> a Ãcrit : ----- 

 A : michael jerusalmi steria com, xml gnome org
 De : "Eric S. Eberhard" <eric vicsmba com>
 Date : 12/04/2012 20:16
  Objet : Re: [xml] Help to write an element with an attribute

 My question is why not just use the tree API?  I have found little value 
in the Writer API.  In theory you can make larger files because you 
don't have all the "stuff" in memory.  Having said that, we exchange 
data with a LOT of different people and have discovered that almost 
nobody unsophisticated can parse the output from even a large tree, let 
alone something huge you could make with the writer.  When we do large 
dumps (say an entire inventory listing with 100,000 SKUs with prices, 
quantities, catalog info, etc) we just break and make a new file every 
1000 records or so, thereby making it possible for people parsing with a 
PC (or looking at it with an XML reader) to use our files.    The tree 
API also allows non-serialized XML creation allowing you to go back and 
add things, delete things, make changes, etc.  It is a lot more 
flexible.  The writer is simply like writing it to disk directly -- the 
tree API is a linked list in memory with a lot of flexibility.  In the 
VERY rare cases where somebody needs a HUGE file instead of a bunch of 
little ones I find it easier to still make the little ones and then 
write a very simple program to input the files.  On the first one only 
include the header and root element, on the last one only include the 
ending root element, all others strip both.  It takes very few lines of 
code, and can easily be implemented to write to a TCP/IP port.  Eric

On 4/12/2012 3:17 AM, michael jerusalmi steria com wrote:
Hi to everyone,
I just discovered the XML APl, and I'm trying to do some tests to see if I can cover all my needs with the 
So far, the only thing I can't do is this : create an element with an attribute, for ex :<label 
width="12">My name</label>

I managed to do<label>My name</label>  with   rc = xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer, BAD_CAST "label", "My 

I managed to do<label width="12"/>  with rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "label");    rc = 
xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "width", BAD_CAST "12");

I managed to do<labelwidth="12"></label>  with        rc = xmlTextWriterFullEndElement(writer);

But I cannot managed to mix everything.

Thank you for your help.

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xml mailing list, project page
xml gnome org
Eric S. Eberhard
PO Box 3661
Camp Verde, AZ  86322

928-567-3727  work                      928-301-7537  cell             (our work)     (fun pictures)

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