Re: [xml] The order of arguments when compiling


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:26 AM,   wrote:
Thank you for the answer but I use GNU Automake to build my Makefile automatically.
So, I can't set the good argument order easily.

My :
bin_PROGRAMS = xmlparsefile
xmlparsefile_SOURCES = main.c
xmlparsefile_LDFLAGS = `xml2-config --libs`
LDFLAGS is meant for flags, like -L/usr/local/lib, not libraries like -lxml2

You should investigate other automake directives; something like
xmlparsefile_LIBS or xmlparsefile_LDLIBS, for `xml2-config --libs`
(disclaimer: I'm not familiar with automake)

Although the output of `xml2-config --libs` contains both -L and -l
options, the location of -L options in the commandline is not
significant. The location of -l options is significant, however.

GCS a+ e++ d- C++ ULS$ L+$ !E- W++ P+++$ w++$ tv+ b++ DI D++ 5++
The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.
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