[xslt] libxslt

I've just started using libxslt (through xsltproc) and get the
following msg when I run it with a stylesheet "adtwebdoc.xsl" that
does an "include":

ajh@hawthorn /home/ajh/web/adt/plans 1032 $ xsltproc adtwebdoc.xsl index.xml >index.html
xsltApplyOneTemplate: include was not compiled
unregistered variable StyleInfo
unregistered variable StyleInfo
xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed

I don't understand what the "include was not compiled" msg means.  Can
someone enlighten me please?

--John Hurst
--  Associate Dean (Teaching), Faculty of Information Technology
--  Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
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--PO Box 26, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3168            ~ ~~~&#:
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--http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~ajh              oo oo  oo O--O--O o=o
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