Re: [xslt] problem with special carater in CDATA (part 2)

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 07:40:31PM +0100, Arnaud Blancher wrote:
> >  Changing the xsl:output won't change &lt;br /&gt; into <br />
> >obviously !
> >  Ask yourself why your stylesheets used <![CDATA[<]]><![CDATA[br />]]>
> >And try to think about my answer again before dismissing it !
> >  
> >
> sorry, i dont want dismit your write.
> i just want to understand how can i do !

  I asked one questions, obviously you did not event tried to answer it
Seems you're of the kind of users "I don't care about the technical reasons,
I just want my pre-cooked answer", which also mean the next time you
have a trouble you won't take the time of understanding the problem.
I'm not very interested in answering those kind of users, especially
for free. So I will ask you the question:
  "why your stylesheets used <![CDATA[<]]><![CDATA[br />]]> ?"
If you can't answer, well you have a problem. I think I know the answer
and that what I suggested + a trivial change in your stylesheet will
get to the desired effect. But I won't give you the answer directly
because I prefer to spend time answering users who know what they are
doing (i.e. I spend less time answering question and more time coding
and improving the software).
  I hope you can understand my viewpoint.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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