Re: [xslt] XSLT patterns without transformations?

Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com>:
>   it's really not expected to be used on its own.


>   What I can support is the streaming subset in libxml/pattern.h or
> the full XPath queries from libxml/xpath.h those are really intended to
> be public APIs. 

I see.

Just two more questions, then (about these latter modules):

  - Is the exact XPath subset used in libxml/pattern.h documented
    anywhere (other than in the form of source code)? As far as I can
    see, it's a superset of the XML Schema node selector format?

  - Is there any (semi-)efficient way of using libxml/xpath.h in a
    manner similar to that of XSLT patterns (i.e. checking for
    applicability to a given node all the way up the ancestor chain),
    or would I simply have do a number of separate checks, one for
    each ancestor?


- Magnus

Magnus Lie Hetland       Fallen flower I see / Returning to its branch       Ah! a butterfly.           [Arakida Moritake]

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