Re: [xslt] Using external resources


Thanks Daniel for the informative response.

I've worked out a few more things about perlish LibXSLT. I think it might be possible to pass LibXML entities as xsl:params from perl, which would do what I need in terms of input. However, I also plan to use exslt:document to produce multiple output documents, and I'm pretty much certain that there isn't a standard perlish way to get hold of those output documents as LibXML entities, as EXSLT isn't mentioned at all in the documentation (although it does work).
I can't put my hand on it now, but I'm sure I saw an offer somewhere to 
look at customising LibXSLT, for a price. Who would I contact to explore 
the options, given that my particular concern centres on LibEXSLT? In a 
sentence, I think the project would consist of wrapping some C code 
around the standard LibXML/XSLT libraries to move the input and output 
XML around. I'm working on a first version in perl, but I think the 
XML-compiling overheads are going to be too high for production use, 
hence my interest in recycling LibXML entities produced by exsl:document.
All advice - on or off-list - most welcome.


Mark Howe

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